The Plan
The planning approval for the new HQ building states that it must be built from “sustainable” materials. To comply with the approval it will be timber framed and clad with cedar boarding and have a zinc sheet roof with the whole building having a smaller carbon foot print as possible. Its projected life span will be in access of seventy years.
The floor area of the new HQ building will only be slightly more that what exists at the moment, leaving roughly the same amount of grassed area to the back for the usual Scouting outdoor activities including a place to pitch tents, the climbing frame, the camp fire pit and access to the river for boating and canoeing.
It is also anticipated that with improvements to the river frontage and quay heading, that the site will become available to other Scout groups from the Norwich Southern District for water based activities.
Inside, although the layout will be vaguely similar to the current building, the kitchen will be bigger and positioned at the end of the main hall, the back wall will have a large sliding door arrangement enabling the hall to be opened up to the outside while the access doors and corridors as well as the toilets will be to the current requirements for disabled access which of course the current building is not. There will also be a secret place for the “Time Capsule”.